Finally! You can manage your entire medical-legal practice from a single location, saving you time and money.
Expedited intake via DWC Electronic Adjudication Management System (EAMS)
Auto-fill of DWC QME forms and Simplexam platform templates
Auto-fill of billing forms (including Form CMS 1500)
Access to California DWC database of Applicant and defense attorneys
Access to California DWC database of Claims administrators
Access to California DWC database of Disability evaluation units
Access to International classification of diseases version 10 (ICD-10) codes
Access to California DWC database of DWC injured body parts codes
Dynamically generated state compliance reminders and notices delivered via email and displayed in-platform
Interactive task management dashboard
Analytics module (platform metrics reports)
Claim specific action and change log (user-based record)
Claim specific notes log (user-based record)
Platform search for associated claims and claimants
Electronic bill submission and tracking via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Electronic payment for Simplexam platform and OnDemand SimpleServices
Electronic-to-print mailing of claim related correspondence
No more worrying about going
over the data limit and getting
surcharged for it.
Get the exceptional customer
service that you deserve
Simplexam prioritizes secure, cloud-based access on any device.
Customer Service
Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM Pacific Time
Sat, Sun, Federal Holidays: Closed
Let us save you money and time. Schedule a demo with one of our product specialists.